About UTOI

成立于 2012 年。目前已发展为加拿大本土,最具影响力,面向海外人士提供留学规划、院校申请、学术培训、移民服务的综合型教育与服务机构。作为行业领军品牌和一家有远景、有温度的企业,UTOI 已在加拿大境内设立 3 个留学服务中心、1 个签证移民处理中心、1 个雅思考试中心与 1 个集艺术作品集、语言培训、技能拓展培训于一体的培训中心。

  • *使命:服务每个走出国门的中国人,使之成为优途的客户,拥有选择的权利。
  • * 愿景:将优质的海外教育、置业与生活资源,带入每个中国家庭,实现“身份自由”。
  • * 价值观:① 成就客户:客户第一、员工第二、股东第三 ② 团队协作:坦诚,让一切简单 ③ 迎接变化,接受挑战 ④ 保持激情、爱岗敬业:今天全力以赴,明日超越昨天 ⑤ 勇于担当、舍我其谁。

留学规划事业部 SAPBU, UTOI

十年积累沉淀、无数案例打磨,优途加拿大 UtoCanada,已经跻身加拿大本土留学服务行业领军品牌之列。事业部借助完善的业务技能培训、执业道德规范以及整体职业规划,以解决目前加拿大留学市场的混乱现状。具有独到见解和经验丰富的前期留学规划师团队为客户提供专业的咨询服务;一流的后期顾问和文案团队熟知加拿大各类院校的申请流程及申请技巧,通过包装润色申请材料、及时有效的院校沟通,累计帮助超过 10,300 名学子成功留学加拿大,实现名校梦。累积第一意愿Offer获取率超过97%。

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优品课教育事业部 UtoClass, UTOI

作为加拿大教育培训行业高速发展的一匹“黑马”,优品课 UtoClass 提供学术类、培训类雅思及思培等标化语言考试培训、艺术作品集准备辅导、高中至学院学术补习辅导,向国际留学生技能拓展培训等课程项目。同时也是 IDP 官方指定雅思考试中心。

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优途教育品牌事业部 UtoBranding, UTOI

优途教育品牌 UtoBranding 作为加拿大多伦多地区唯一专门面向新兴或转型中的教育机构提供理念、命名、构架、教育产品设计、受众分析、配套服务规划、视觉传达等全案策略与执行方案的品牌机构。通过高度提炼品牌价值,结合实际情况,以教育初衷和其品牌价值为核心,制定品牌策略、课程与配套服务设置 、市场策略,以及设计品牌视觉识别系统。合理的将品牌识别元素,导入到执行应用与招生推广活动中。让每一笔广告投入,都提升教育品牌形象与价值,为品牌资产添砖加瓦。我们懂品牌,更懂教育。

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安加签证移民事务部 UtoImmigration, UTOI

作为主攻各类加拿大签证办理与移民申请的处理中心,安加移民 UtoImmigration,拥有加拿大移民顾问协会资质 ICCRC。凭借多年经验累积,年均处理签证相关事务 500-600 例,境内申请一次过签率保持在 98% 以上;并成功协助过百客户,及其家庭通过各类渠道成功获取移民身份。

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  • 17,823Application Volume

  • 182Planning Recruitment

  • 3236Resume Received

  • 66UTOI Employees

What changes have we brought?

  • Help students achieve self-worth:

As education professionals, UTOI considers student benefit and student development as its number one priority. We firmly believe that only through personal and anecdotal experience are we able to provide logical suggestions that fit the student’s needs. All of our consultants possess an overseas, study abroad background. These experiences, whether from private high schools or colleges in Canada or from universities from all over North America, are what enables our consultants to not just relate to students but also make decisions that are logical and adequate for each student. Moreover, our essay consultants each have on average of 5+ years of experience in guiding students’ applications to universities in both Canada, US, and the UK. The combination of these diverse perspectives is what allows us as consultants to help each student maximize their chance of reaching their academic dreams.

  • Advancing positive industry standards and developments:

Currently, Canada’s rapidly expanding study abroad and immigration consulting industry suffers from a lack of professionalization and a lack of information transparency to clients. Consulting agencies in this environment are often able to place profit as a priority, and in turn, engages in unethical behaviours such as giving clients inaccurate advice, providing so-called “shortcuts”, or even downright faking application materials. This asymmetric information structure inherent in this industry is at an inflection point that is ripe for disruption. At UTOI, we are aiming to change these unethical behaviours by holding ourselves to high professional standards in providing our clients with personalized immigration or study abroad plans.



  • Encouraging Sino-Canadian Educational and Cultural Exchange:

As Canada’s education consulting market heats up, more and more families, from around the world and equipped with greater financial means, are looking to invest in their children’s education by sending them to study abroad in Canada. At the same time, North American students have also developed greater interests in rapidly developing and prospering China. UTOI aims to be a pioneer in facilitating efficient channels and programs for student exchanges, including global volunteering programs, educational tourism, and joint academic credit recognition from participating academic institutions.

  • Providing employees with avenues for personal and professional development

Providing employees with avenues for personal and professional development Every employee at UTOI undergoes paid training with mentorship that accelerates their professional development. At the same time, a partial commission based structure ensures that every employee receives rewards for every bit of effort they put in. UTOI prioritizes a meritocratic culture, where internal candidates are prioritized for management hirings and each employee is given a high ceiling to rise towards. Moreover, UTOI also helps each employee with any immigration needs, such as CPP+EI contributions and LMIA sponsorships.

Our Tenets

UTOI has a strong belief in providing ethical and professional services in becoming Canada’s leading education consulting agency. UTOI rejects unethical behaviours such as faked application materials and strictly focuses on client needs and client benefits. To us, ethical standards in assisting our clients is what has allowed us to rise above our competitors to become industry leading and we will continue to improve ourselves without comprising our ideals.

Reasons for choosing UTOI

UTOI is an industry leader in compensation in the admissions consulting field. All employees, whether interns or full-time employees receive a competitive base compensation, industry leading commission rates, bonuses, benefits, and immigration assistance.

UTOI is designated recruitment and representative agency by 382 academic institutions and possesses a wide array of admissions and application resources. Our excellent reputation, strong name recognition, and mature management and training structures have made us the “Westpoint” of the education consulting world.

UTOI has mature management and new employee training structures that allow employees to experience multiple positions and let everyone discover the best parts of themselves. UTOI provides its employees with monthly opportunities to visit education institutions and directly receive updates on Canada’s education system. Moreover, a flat management structure means that your voice and opinions are always valued and heard allowing us to grow alongside you!


"Listening to the story" The story of the excellent staff

UTOI 근무환경

"Experience It Yourself" UTOI Team Building